The employee asked, "Is it my tattoos? Cause, I can cover them up."
"No, it's not the tattoos."
"It's my piercings. I can take some of them out."
"It's not the piercings."
"It's my mohawk. You don't like the blood red color."
"It's not your tattoos, piercings, or your hair. It's your boa."
"My boa?"
"Your boa constrictor."
"You can't wear him to the office anymore. It makes people nervous."
"I can't leave Marvin home. He'll get lonely."
"Buy him a companion."
"It'll get eaten." The employee jumped up. "I'm going to sue."
"No. No. Don't do that. I've got a solution. If Marvin was a service animal, we'd have to let you bring him to the office."
"He does keep me calm."
"Ok then. Everything's settled."
"Ok. I'll get back to work."
"One more thing. Could you trim that Mohawk? You wouldn't want to poke someone's eye out. You could get sued."