Wednesday, March 19, 2014


10:19 PM Posted by Linda Henson , , ,
Dreams are such fragile things.  The merest breeze can shatter them.
Fortunately the pieces can be gathered and put back into place, almost
good as new. 

Saturday, March 15, 2014

I Hear It

10:50 PM Posted by Linda Henson , , , , , , , ,
Every once in a while, my two year old nephew would put his hand to his ear and say,"I hear it."

There was one day I didn't know what he was talking about.  He looked up into the sky, amazed.  I realized he had heard a plane I didn't hear or rather, I heard it, but didn't pay attention to it because they are so common place.

And the birds. I realized he heard the birds outside my apartment. The ones I stopped listening to years ago but, for a two year old, everything is new and awesome.

I need to take a moment to rediscover our world, so I can say, "I hear it."

Grandmother's Face

10:02 PM Posted by Linda Henson , , ,
I see my Grandmother's face, sometimes, when I looked at Mom.  Mom has some
of her ways.  It's almost as if they were twins.  Then, sometimes, when Mom is
amused, I see my Grandfather peek out.

I have to wonder, in twenty years, who will people see in me?

Monday, March 10, 2014

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Friday, March 7, 2014

Spring is here?

2:07 PM Posted by Linda Henson , ,
Good news.  New York saw the first robin of spring.  It was encased in ice.

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Frozen reporting

3:49 PM Posted by Linda Henson , , ,
In February, I saw a newscast reporting on the freezing cold weather in the east.  The reporter was standing outside in near zero degree weather and I have to ask myself why?  Do we need to see her eyeballs freeze.

Windy day

3:48 PM Posted by Linda Henson , , , , , ,
I like a windy day. I like to watch the top of pine trees move and feel the wind against me trying to push me along.  It's as if the wind is saying,"Hurry, hurry.  We have no time to wait."  But, this is the perfect time to slow down and just enjoy the moment.  Who knows what creative thought may be
stirring in your head. 

Saturday, March 1, 2014


3:48 PM Posted by Linda Henson , , , , ,
I think when cats go hunting at night they should wear reflective tape. It's only fair.  Dogs have to be on a leash.  Cats should shine in the dark.

Scary thought

3:04 PM Posted by Linda Henson , , , , , , ,
Here's a warning. I don't know what I'm doing. This is all new to me. I've thrown myself into the deep end and I don't do that. I am a dip the tip of my toe into the water and then wait a bit. No, no, no. I don't like taking chances.

 I'm on my own now. No one to hold my hand.

As I said, my friend suggested I should blog and I think, What fun. but what if my brain dies. There I am, in the middle of hello, and I have no where else to go. That could be red-face time.

 Sometimes I have brilliant ideas, but they fly away before I can get them down. I'll never remember them and you'll never read them and we all suffer a great loss. Ta-ta for now, as Tigger might say. Keep on the sunny side.