Sunday, October 18, 2020


4:07 PM Posted by Linda Henson , , , , , No comments

   I recently watched a YouTube video about how biopics are often inaccurate. For instance, John Nash had auditory not visual hallucinations. Morzart and Salieri were good friends, not enemies.                                     I don't think I want to watch any more biopics. I don't want to find out that Sherlock Holmes wasn't the world's greatest detective or James Kirk won't captain the Enterprise. It would break my heart.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

We Wait

2:33 PM Posted by Linda Henson , , , , , ,
  A group of people stood on the sidewalk with their umbrellas unfolded. The night was dark and the rain was unstoppable, but they waited for the news. Was it a boy? A girl? Would it be triplets?Twins? Only one? What would the name be? George? Mary? Fredrick Morrison Weathersymth the third?
They spoke in low whispers as if a holy event was about occur. Suddenly someone shouted, "Hey!
We're on the wrong street!