Monday, February 27, 2017

Who Goes First?

10:00 AM Posted by Linda Henson , , , , , ,
It used to be when a ship was sinking it was women and children first. Now that we are all equal, it's every man for himself. That kind of puts women and children last. Is this progress?

Monday, February 20, 2017

President's Day

10:00 AM Posted by Linda Henson ,
Happy president's day. We used to celebrate Washington's and Lincoln's birthdays separately, but now we crushed them all together and we get another three-day weekend. That's how you make someone feel special.

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Talk To Me

4:45 PM Posted by Linda Henson , , , , ,
It used to be a fad to talk to plants. It seemed to make them grow better. It was like magic. Science backs this up. We exhale carbon dioxide. Plants take this in and give out oxygen. When we get up close and personal with plants we exhale all over them. It's like giving them vitamins. Some people want to get rid of carbon dioxide because it's bad for the environment. Maybe they should talk to the plants.

Friday, February 10, 2017