Saturday, July 29, 2017

I Have Questions

5:45 PM Posted by Linda Henson , , , , ,
Can it be done? Can trash be broken down to its molecular level? Would it be costly? Would Bill Gates pay for it? Could we use these molecules for energy? Is this a completely crazy idea? Can anyone answer my questions?

Monday, July 17, 2017


6:46 PM Posted by Linda Henson , , ,
I saw it on the internet. A tumbling spider. It lives in the Middle East. It has these long legs that just flop over and over. I thought it was just having fun, but I realized that tumbling is part of its strategy. When most people see a creepy crawling spider, they want to squash it or run away. If you see a spider somersaulting toward you, you think, oh how interesting. Then it flops on you and you are done. Taken in by a little spider.
Have a nice day.

Monday, July 10, 2017

Another Mystery

4:05 PM Posted by Linda Henson , , , , , ,
We have all wondered why do dogs drink from toilets. The answer is simple. Your toilet bowl is made of porcelain. Porcelain is the coolest material in your home. The answer may be to get a porcelain water dish for your dog. Get one for yourself. That might be kind of neat.

Tuesday, July 4, 2017


10:00 AM Posted by Linda Henson
Today we celebrate our country's freedom. Freedom is not easy to win, but is easy to lose. We let it slip away a little at a time until it becomes normal and expected. It is said it is for our own good. We shake our heads yes and give up more rights. Now I wonder if we remember what true freedom is. We are in charge of our lives. No one has the right to tell us how to live unless we give them permission to do so. Let us hold tight to our freedom like the dear treasure it is. Happy fourth!