He was known as the King Of Insults. He was quick with the lip and made you laugh as he poked you. The Dean Martin Roast wasn't a roast without Don. He was fast with a comeback and you never had time to duck. However, there was one time, I know of, when he was the one that got poked. Don was doing his thing and said. "It takes many years to become a great comedian." "It sure does." Dean Martin said. "And you haven't even reached that year yet." That broke Don up. Don's comedy wasn't always understood. One time he got a bad reaction from some in the audience. "There's no booing here." he responded. Don may have had a dangerous tongue in public, but he was a sweetheart in private. In fact his best friend's wife thought he was nice and had to be warn that he was completely different when doing his act. Don Rickles died recently. I have to say he will be missed and thank God for recordings. RIP, Don.