Sunday, April 16, 2023

Smart Money

5:13 PM Posted by Linda Henson No comments

  I heard a man talk about how to help kids be smart with money. You start with three cans. I added a fourth. One can is for spending. One for saving. One for charity. I added, one for tithe and offering.

  You let the kids decide how much they want to spend, save and give to charity. Tithe is ten percent and offering is from the heart. 

  If you start young enough, saving, giving and tithing becomes a lifelong habit. It will become natural to put aside money instead of spending it all.


Don't Worry About Me

4:50 PM Posted by Linda Henson No comments

 Chuck and Josh went to take Chuck's grandpa to lunch. "We thought we'd walk to the cafe, Pops. You need to get some exercise, " Chuck said. 

  " Don't worry about me," Chuck's grandpa said. " I get my exercise just putting on my pants. "